Monday, February 4, 2013

Nothing Less

"When you are satisfied internally, you are less likely to settle externally." -Pastor F. Haynes

   I would like to first start off by congratulating the Ravens on winning the Superbowl, Beyonce for rocking it, and all of the great commercials that had me laughing in the meantime in between time. Also expressing sorrow that we will not be able to watch football for the next 6 or so months. Now back to our regularly scheduled programing.
   The quote above speaks volumes, it's true no matter who you are, what you do, and what it is you aspire to be or have.
  What he is saying is that once you are happy on the inside, and you're not yearning for anything internally, when you are truly satisfied, you wont settle for anything on the outside. Whether it be a job, a mate, a house, a friend, a car, behavior from your kiddos, if it doesn't line up you will not tolerate it. If it can be changed that's just what you'll do, but if it can't you can kick it to the curb and remain satisfied.
  When you are dissatisfied, you do not typically think logically. You are always trying to scratch an itch so to  speak. It's like going to the grocery store when you are starving and walking out with everything under the sun. Some stuff you'll eat, other stuff you won't and it'll wind up molded in your fridge or in the trash. Either way you have spent your money on something that didn't satisfy you. You waisted your money. Now, you go into the grocery store on a full tummy with a clear logical mind. You get the food you'll eat, pass up what you wont, and probably walk out right at or under budget. You got exactly what you needed to keep you satisfied and left the junk behind.
   When we enter into situations and we are dissatisfied we are more likely to start to pick up the junk, settle for less than the best, something less that what we desire.What we don't realize is that junk will do nothing for us. It will rot us as opposed to building us up. It will take up our space, time, and money. Instead of gaining satisfaction we increase our dissatisfaction because we have added on disappointment from the junk that we settled for. I hope that you are following me because if you get this, you've got it.
   I challenge you to get satisfied internally and watch how you improve your external situations. Notice how you eliminate the things and people that increase your dissatisfaction. Watch as you notice more or your joy coming from within, your internal satisfaction. Watch as the negative things and people fall off and make room and opportunity for the good things and people. The things and people that will add joy and not disrupt your satisfaction instead of create burdens, or increase your dissatisfaction.

Remember...YOU be Your biggest fan!
Now get out there and make it happen captain!
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