Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Are You Putting Your Trust in Fickle People and Things?

“But man is a fickle and disreputable creature and perhaps, like a chess-player, is interested in the process of attaining his goal rather than the goal itself."

-Fyodor Dostoyevsky

   Oh how I love this topic as it helps us open up our eyes so much. The issue with fickle people or things is just that..they are fickle! We put concrete feelings and expectations in the most unstable things. The most unstable of these being people! You cannot form anything concrete based upon the things you expect to happen from others. Why? Because man's ideals will change, their feelings will change, and so will their motives in most cases. Your goal may be in line with their goal at one point in time, however if their goal changes the two of you will no longer be in sync, working on two different things, walking down two different paths.
  You should first take from this that the only one who has your interest in mind is you, and God. He will want the best for you and if you listen, put you back in track when you vere. Your steps are ordered. All you have to do is follow directions. Yes, just like baking a cake. You do exactly what the recipie says you will have one awesome cake. If you do exactly what He tells you, you cant help but be successful. Not chosing to do so is no longer ignorance, it is stupidity borderline insanity. Why? Because of the definition of the two. Ignorance is just not knowing any better. It means you dont do simply because you do not know. Now you have been educated, your eyes have been opened. Now you are venturing into the territory of stupidity. Stupidity is lacking in power to absorb ideas or impressions, being dense, as in  thickheaded and imperviousness to ideas. Making the choice to avoid and use wisdom given to you by those who know, and continuing to do the same old thing and trust in the same old things. Which brings us to insanity. We all know this as doing the same exact thing and expecting different results. I was told when someone tells you something you are to believe them the first time, and if they show you and you still do nothing, "your bad". Look at the signs. When my friends show me that they are putting all of their trust into people I say "How's that working for you? " They often respond with things like " No one is perfect" , "We all make mistakes", or my favorite, " I'll give it another chance, again". I then respond, so, "If you know no one, and I do mean no one, even me, is perfect, why do you continue to depend on them?" Why put your trust in something that changes as often as the weather in the south? That makes no sense.
   Let God and youj be the only ones that can affect your future because with those two things, in order ,will not fail you. Now, you are human, which is why you need him, because you are just as fickle as those whom you are not to trust. With him you gain new focus, you will be shocked at how your eyes open up. How colors seem brighter, your vision becomes clearer, and that which seems so far away gets closer and closer.
 The second thing you should take from this is that you cannot be disappointed when man does waiver. It is in his/her nature. It is a part of being human. It is up to you to realize that and not put too much into it. For example, you have a job interview and you call your friend for a ride, their plans change and they cant take you, but they are the only way you have arranged to get you where you are going, so you dont make it and you have just lost an opportunity. Make sense now? Depend on you and God and not only will you arrive at your destination, you will gain the desires of YOUR heart.

Think about it.

Remember...YOU be Your biggest fan!
Now get out there and make it happen captain!

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